35 posts in


#nostrplebs #plebchain

#nostrplebs #plebchain After orange pilling my barber, I’m looking to expand into the wider community. I’m thinking I’ll pay my dinner bills in fiat, if the business requires, but ask the server if they’ll accept their tip in ⚡️. 5-10% sweetener on the typical 20% if…

Update on fundraising from the #nostr…

Update on fundraising from the #nostr verse. Olivia has raised 187,500 sats for her school! Thanks 🙏 everyone who has donated. Most donations were below the “processing fee” the school’s fundraiser site charges for debits. Win 🥇 for LN⚡️ micropayments. If you are interested to support, check out her page.

#nostrplebs #plebchain Fiat grind was hard…

#nostrplebs #plebchain Fiat grind was hard today. The work feels more meaningful when I convert my pay into #bitcoin. Knowing that my earnings won’t be diminished by the foolish deficit spending of my grand-governors helps me sleep at night. Well, that and a multisig wallet 🛌.…

Dear #plebchain and #nostrplebs

Dear #plebchain and #nostrplebs My 10year old daughter, Olivia, is raising money for her school in their annual READ-A-THON. Unfortunately, they only accept dirty fiat money (and charge $1.25 per donation). She and I setup a lighting wallet and webpage to accept ⚡️ donations. Please consider donating ⚡️ or…

2023 BTC ⚡️ adoption story 6

2023 BTC ⚡️ adoption story 6 BitRefill purchased Safeway giftcards now show up directly in the app with scannable barcode. Bought the groceries tonight with a ⚡️ purchased gift card after the total was tallied up. Took less than 30s. It is so easy now that Safeway should just say they take…

Really enjoying BitRefill as a way…

Really enjoying BitRefill as a way to switch my household budget to the bitcoin standard (convert pay to BTC, hold as BTC, spend BTC for purchases). Today, it was dog food from PetCo. To date, Amazon, Safeway, DoorDash, and Lowe’s. The 1% rewards in Satoshis is a great bonus.

Dear #plebchain would you contribute your…

Dear #plebchain would you contribute your fiat earnings to a 401k without employer matching or stack sats instead (post income tax)? I am having trouble convincing myself to store value in an asset of exponentially declining value 💵 despite the obvious tax benefits. #bitcoin ⚡️ #savings…

#plebchain what is the maximum sats…

#plebchain what is the maximum sats you would send through the LN ⚡️ in a single transaction? New to this stuff. Noticed Muun uses turbo channels and required an on-chain verification for a 3,000,000 sat transaction. 🙏 #bitcoin #⚡️ #justuseit…
The Life of Brian
#Bitcoin ⚡️ #justuseit Dad of 2, weekday fiat miner, ₿itcoiner, miner of sats, Layer 2 curious, do some golfing and cycling. Cucumber eyes until square accepts Bitcoin their terminals.
If the Hulk was the new…

If the Hulk was the new…