Jaime Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan,…

Jaime Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan, calls Bitcoin a scam and then impolitely explains how he doesn’t know a single fucking thing about #Bitcoin

He certainly understands government handouts and inflation, and made his fortune during a 40yr period of real wage stagnation.


Then the people of Central America…

Then the people of Central America should benefit much more from bitcoin than the USD fiefdoms the CIA installed; or bitcoiners will have failed them, too. Bitcoin, of course, will march on regardless; technologically agnostic as it is.…

Update on fundraising from the #nostr…

Update on fundraising from the #nostr verse. Olivia has raised 187,500 sats for her school! Thanks 🙏 everyone who has donated. Most donations were below the “processing fee” the school’s fundraiser site charges for debits. Win 🥇 for LN⚡️ micropayments. If you are interested to support, check out her page.
The Life of Brian
#Bitcoin ⚡️ #justuseit Dad of 2, weekday fiat miner, ₿itcoiner, miner of sats, Layer 2 curious, do some golfing and cycling. Cucumber eyes until square accepts Bitcoin their terminals.
If the Hulk was the new…

If the Hulk was the new…