2023 BTC ⚡️ adoption story 1

2023 BTC ⚡️ adoption story 1

Ate dinner with an old friend. He snuck to waiter to pay the bill so I couldn’t. I had him download BlueWallet to teach him about LN⚡️, then showed him how to make an invoice (for the bill total). Then, I quickly paid the invoice before he caught on.

Now he has to figure out how to spend the⚡️sats. 😈

#bitcoin #⚡️ #nostrplebs #plebchain #2023 #bitcoinadoption

The Life of Brian
#Bitcoin ⚡️ #justuseit Dad of 2, weekday fiat miner, ₿itcoiner, miner of sats, Layer 2 curious, do some golfing and cycling. Cucumber eyes until square accepts Bitcoin their terminals.
New PR.

New PR.

The Fonz says Arson

The Fonz says Arson