.btc identities from BNS DAO are…

.btc identities from BNS DAO are transferable NFTs which secure to BTC mainchain via stacks Layer 2. Using https://owl.link one can associate social media and other metadata to .btc NFT. So, one would be able to update the nostr pubkey associated with a .btc identity NFT. The creator of owl.link is adding a nostr pub id field in the near term. Also, owl link metadata is accessible via https so nostr clients would not need to poll the bitcoin blockchain directly, but the information would be secured by the bitcoin blockchain.

Basically, when you want to cycle nostr keys, you could switch out the pubkey associated with a given .btc identity.
In this way nostr identities could be transferable via NFT and allow for cycling of pubkeys for enhanced security or recovery from secret key loss or leakage.

The Life of Brian
#Bitcoin ⚡️ #justuseit Dad of 2, weekday fiat miner, ₿itcoiner, miner of sats, Layer 2 curious, do some golfing and cycling. Cucumber eyes until square accepts Bitcoin their terminals.
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