Anyone messing around on #Stacks? Still…

Anyone messing around on #Stacks? Still early but big progress since blockstack days. Key utility features coming together:
1. USDC(Eth) <-> xUSD(STX) bridge coming to DeFi site next month
2. Trustless BTC peg in/peg out to sBTC on Stacks layer 2 (see video)

These two capabilities will pull liquidity back from Ethereum (PoS) to Bitcoin. If you are looking to build DeFi on #bitcoin, please read up on Stacks.

It’s really more falling fiat…

It’s really more falling fiat than rising bitcoin. As the people realize the truth of infinite supply, their belief in the value of fiat declines. *Bitcoin doesn’t rise or fall: * 1 BTC = 1 BTC…

2023 BTC ⚡️ adoption story 6

2023 BTC ⚡️ adoption story 6 BitRefill purchased Safeway giftcards now show up directly in the app with scannable barcode. Bought the groceries tonight with a ⚡️ purchased gift card after the total was tallied up. Took less than 30s. It is so easy now that Safeway should just say they take…
The Life of Brian
#Bitcoin ⚡️ #justuseit Dad of 2, weekday fiat miner, ₿itcoiner, miner of sats, Layer 2 curious, do some golfing and cycling. Cucumber eyes until square accepts Bitcoin their terminals.
If the Hulk was the new…

If the Hulk was the new…