2023 BTC ⚡️ adoption story 5

2023 BTC ⚡️ adoption story 5

Heatbit Useful Heat generator update: about go over 10,000 sats. So far so good. Really looking to see how this retail market sector grows. I could see an oil immersion setup combined with a heat pump being a potential platform to scale for larger multi-room heating needs.

Today, I spent around 4,000,000 sats on expenses. Managed to avoid conversion fees by shipping around for gift card options and even stacked 40,000 sats in rewards. Looking for Bitcoin buying power to increase as fiat buying power continues to decline. End of month will be interesting when I compare final expenses. Definitely, I am becoming much more spending aware as I look to convert more expenses to BTC.

#bitcoin ⚡️#justuseit #2023

Yea, Wallet of Satoshi is easy…

Yea, Wallet of Satoshi is easy to use, but I haven’t figured out the Damos lightning tip address yet. I can only generate invoices and post to nostr or pay invoices from nostr. Sooner or later I’ll figure out all the ⚡️magic. My next goal is to use…

For images, a direct link to…

For images, a direct link to the file hosted somewhere on the internet will do. Check out for an image uploader. For BTC⚡️ invoices, what ⚡️ wallet are you using? I have BlueWallet, Muun, and Wallet of Satoshi. Wallet of Satoshi is the easiest.…
The Life of Brian
#Bitcoin ⚡️ #justuseit Dad of 2, weekday fiat miner, ₿itcoiner, miner of sats, Layer 2 curious, do some golfing and cycling. Cucumber eyes until square accepts Bitcoin their terminals.
If the Hulk was the new…

If the Hulk was the new…