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Find me on #100pushups #zwiftr #foodstr #asknostr #introductions #epl #liverpool Email: brian@nostr.style PGP: https://keys.openpgp.org/vks/v1/by-fingerprint/41A8A242A718ABC2848419A7FDC0806B1AED6D06

2023 BTC ⚡️ adoption story 1

2023 BTC ⚡️ adoption story 1 Ate dinner with an old friend. He snuck to waiter to pay the bill so I couldn’t. I had him download BlueWallet to teach him about LN⚡️, then showed him how to make an invoice (for the bill total). Then, I quickly paid the…



#nostrplebs I’m getting more into…

#nostrplebs I’m getting more into LN⚡️. What is considered best practice for storing SATs in your ⚡️ wallet? I’ve been refilling to $100, but might need to keep a bit more if I can transition more of my expenses to ⚡️ payments. Any good blogs on ⚡️ best practices?…

#nostrpleebs I’m getting more into…

#nostrpleebs I’m getting more into LN⚡️. What is considered best practice for storing SATs in your ⚡️ wallet? I’ve been refilling to $100, but might need to keep a bit more if I can transition more of my expenses to ⚡️ payments. Any good blogs on ⚡️ best practices?…

I exist in a perpetual state…

I exist in a perpetual state of separation. Knowing I am disconnected from a force that is me and yet creates every aspect of me and my environ. This self inflicted wound creates the experience of individuality and animus, which is necessary for further self discovery of the larger whole.
The Life of Brian
#Bitcoin ⚡️ #justuseit Dad of 2, weekday fiat miner, ₿itcoiner, miner of sats, Layer 2 curious, do some golfing and cycling. Cucumber eyes until square accepts Bitcoin their terminals.
If the Hulk was the new…

If the Hulk was the new…