Dear #plebchain and #nostrplebs
My 10year old daughter, Olivia, is raising money for her school in their annual READ-A-THON. Unfortunately, they only accept dirty fiat money (and charge $1.25 per donation). She and I setup a lighting wallet and webpage to accept ⚡️ donations.
Please consider donating ⚡️ or…
They will come back and start spending and printing and spending and printing and spending and printing and spending and printing…
#bitcoin ⚡️ #justuseit…
Daughter is doing a reading fundraiser at school. Goal is 9.5M sats ($2012). Trying to teach her the value of bitcoin. How to accept lightning? Post a QR code? LNURL? Fundraising sites?
Not trying to found a nonprofit here just want to show her people will donate some sats.
Interested to learn how to keep a business on the bitcoin standard and limit fiat exposure. Businesses which embrace this principle will outperform others in the long run.
The family unit is the business with the greatest challenges as the outputs are varied with significant fiat exposure, but it therefore…
An important distinction given the growing sense of entitlement in our society and an opportunity to instill a spirit of earned sovereignty in our young.…
#Bitcoin ⚡️ #justuseit Dad of 2, weekday fiat miner, ₿itcoiner, miner of sats, Layer 2 curious, do some golfing and cycling. Cucumber eyes until square accepts Bitcoin their terminals.