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Find me on #100pushups #zwiftr #foodstr #asknostr #introductions #epl #liverpool Email: brian@nostr.style PGP: https://keys.openpgp.org/vks/v1/by-fingerprint/41A8A242A718ABC2848419A7FDC0806B1AED6D06

@James Pierog

@James Pierog Is that you in your banner pic in a crystal cave? How do you even get to one of those?…


Do you ride gravel? There are…

Do you ride gravel? There are some good pavement/gravel setups. The bars on the Canyon Grail give you some mixed riding positions. There are also many gravel bikes that lean more towards a single track but have some endurance positions. Santa Cruz bikes comes to mind.…
The Life of Brian
#Bitcoin ⚡️ #justuseit Dad of 2, weekday fiat miner, ₿itcoiner, miner of sats, Layer 2 curious, do some golfing and cycling. Cucumber eyes until square accepts Bitcoin their terminals.
New PR.

New PR.

The Fonz says Arson

The Fonz says Arson